Providing counseling for a variety of different issues

Here are the services I can offer to you

Individual Therapy
Dealing with any of the issues below? 
Let me help 






  • Do you have overwhelming feelings of sadness?
  • Is it a struggle for you to get out of bed each day?
  • Do you feel like nobody understands how you are feeling?
  • Are you spending hours at a time watching Netflix or vicariously living through your social media feed?
My work is about meeting a person exactly where they are. There are tools and techniques that can be provided to help you manage and overcome these struggles. You don’t have to live your life feeling down and alone.


  • Find your mind racing; all day and all night?
  • Can’t get to sleep at night because you’re chewing over the same thought?
  • Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep?
  • Muscle tension, stomach problems, headaches?
  • Panic attacks?
If you relate to these symptoms my work can help you not only learn skills to better manage these symptoms, but also overcome those troublesome thoughts and worries that are disrupting your life. You don't have to suffer from these thoughts and physical symptoms.


  • Having involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories or nightmares?
  • Do you try to avoid places, people or situations that remind you of the traumatic event?
  • Do you have negative beliefs or expectations about yourself or others?
  • Are you engaging in reckless or self-destructive behavior? 
Those who have experienced a traumatic event can benefit from seeking help. I will guide each patient through a safe and effective process of uncovering and processing any issues related to unresolved trauma and PTSD.
I can help restore the sense of control and lessen the powerful hold of trauma. Contact me at  510-353-3882   and learn how I can help.